May 22, 2021

Don’t laugh but this was the best way I could describe it back then…

At some point in my corporate career I realised I felt like I had an enormous hole in my stomach. And I figured out it was a place where self love or self worth was missing...

But in those days…

I didn’t know how to get it back and 

The only way I could express it was….

I felt like one of those doughnuts with the middle missing…🍩

Sometimes the things that impacted us the most in childhood were the hardest to see and that’s why as adults we struggle through life sometimes without even knowing why.

When I talk about trauma I realize it’s a big word and a lot of people don’t identify as having trauma. 

We may have grown up with the best parents in the world. 


Siblings being born...

Or parents holding down 2-3 jobs and so never being present for their kids…

Create the conditions for EMOTIONAL NEGLECT. 

Our parents may have put a roof over our head, food on the table, got us into  a good school.

But we may never have been given the attention and care we needed…

the physical comfort of a hug…

or an adult getting down to our level, looking kindly into our eyes and really seeing our feelings - seeing US.

That disconnects us from our own inner being, our inside world. 

Our feelings and emotional states become a dark mystery to us. 


And we grow up…

πŸ˜₯Not knowing what we feel or being able to express it.

πŸ˜₯Not realising that our feelings are connected to needs - and so not knowing how to ask for what we need….

πŸ˜₯And feeling like a burden when we do manage it.


How this plays out in our career…

πŸ’§ Our team find us distant or aloof

πŸ’§We may struggle to create emotional connection and build important relationships

πŸ’§We may take on and prioritise other people’s needs without ever really advocating for our own because we are clueless as to what they are…

πŸ’§ We may have a deep sense of feeling like a little alien, or an orphan child with her nose pressed against the window pane…

Looking into a world of warmth and connection and BELONGING that we never feel a part of…

Because when we feel into our body - we just feel the absence of something, like a hole in our middle where self love, self connection and just our sense of self should be.

In other words - 🍩

The initial deep dive and the first part of my Radiant Leader programme I do with my clients is centered around cultivating core safety in the nervous system and healing emotional neglect. 

We free up the power of your emotions and help you shift into someone unapologetically geared towards getting your needs met.πŸ’ƒπŸ»

And from there everything starts to  flow….