Were you a dandelion child or an orchid child?

May 22, 2021

When I read about this it all made so much sense.

I came to terms with my own high sensitivity and instead of resisting it and hating it, I started to see it as a strength.

You see I am highly sensitive and had often been told that I was TOO sensitive.

A phrase every sensitive person will recognize (often lobbed at us by the deeply insensitive and bullying types I might add!) 

The research goes that…

Dandelion children - like the golden flower they are - are hardy little critters. They are strong, resilient to stress, put down tough roots and deal with life’s set backs. 

Orchid children on the other hand are born highly sensitive. They are often highly gifted, deeply creative and talented but absorb the impact of their environment and are highly reactive to stressors and the overstimulation of the senses  - such as loud noise, strong scents, busy crowds, etc. 

This means they produce more cortisol in their bloodstream as a result of being triggered into fight or flight more often. 

To nurture an Orchid child is to tend to a precious plant - to recognize its innate beauty and allow it to flower...

They need…

๐ŸŒบ Lots of encouragement, praise and to be fully seen for the rare gift that they are.

๐ŸŒบ To be protected from the disturbing stimulus of loud noises and other triggers in their biological environment

๐ŸŒบ Gente baby steps to coax them out of their comfort zone and share more.

And what about if you are an Orchid Child who grew up in environments where the “loud noise” is the unpredictable rage of a parent or the empty vacuum of living in a household where your needs are emotionally neglected and no one truly sees or gets you?

What happens to the Orchid child then?

Then the repercussions can be severe - anxiety, depression and a life of never quite putting one’s head above the parapet.

Healing the early trauma to create a sense of safety is one of the first pieces of work I do with my clients which is why I’m able to get such rapid and transformational results. Feel free to drop any Qs in the comments or reach out via PM if I can support you further.