Radiant Visibility® &

Authentic Confidence 

40 Day Immersion

Exclusive 1:1 programme with Radiant Visibility Coach and Inner Peace mentor  Dominique Didinal

Let's chat!

Unlock your Radiant Power

And break through your FEAR OF BEING VISIBLE with this wonderful FREE 3 part video training and workbook.

Radiant Visibility®, & Authentic Confidence IN JUST 40 days?

I see you Radiant Leader. You’re a beautiful and big hearted executive or entrepreneur with a longing to make a big impact on the world.

You yearn to confidently "own the room" when pitching or presenting yourself and shine at your full potential in your career or business but there’s something getting in your way...

You long to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin so that you can just show up, speak from the heart and allow the “real you” to be seen.

And feel deep inside that it (and you!) are enough exactly as you are. 

You hate those slick presentations from the Sales Director or those online coaches that always seem over polished and inauthentic. 

You definitely don't want to become like them! 

You want to nail your message and inspire with your vision and create impact when you speak but in a way that feels completely genuine, authentic and in integrity to who you are - the big hearted, empathic, sensitive and compassionate leader that you are. 

But an invisible force makes it feel like you're wading through treacle every day just to take the smallest of actions to put yourself out there.

Sometimes when you have to stand up in front of a board or panel or speak up in a meeting you feel like a little girl again, going cap in hand to asking daddy for permission. 

Deep down you worry you just don't feel like you belong - or even deserve a seat at that table, a place in that room, to take up space! 

Sometimes the imposter syndrome can feel crippling. 

Why can't you stand your ground and present yourself as the fully empowered and confident adult woman that you know you are?

Why does the thought of speaking your mind or presenting yourself or going "live" bring you out in an anxious sweat? 

You know you need to demonstrate thought leadership and start posting on social media  but procrastination manages to get in the way EVERY SINGLE DAY when it comes to writing that LInkedin Post or worse recording that video! 

You want to role model for your daughter what a strong female successful leader really looks like - and showcase vulnerability, compassion and collaboration as strengths as well as the fact that success can come without total self sacrifice, burn out or growing into a flame breathing dragon with a pair of b*lls bigger than the men!  

But you haven't quite plucked up the courage yet to let the real authentic YOU be seen. 

Any of this sound familiar? Don't worry I’ve been there!

You know deep down that...

The longer you hide out and stay stuck in self sabotage letting anxiety rule -  the further away the career or business of your dreams feel.

How painful it is to watch more days, months and years go by as you think about but never quite take action.

That if you don’t do something fast to shift - you’ll be stuck living out your days unfulfilled and ruining the opportunities that this new job, business, transition or promotion brought. 

That you are tied up in knots by the horrible voice of that inner critic whose negative bashing wears you down so much you never get out of your own way.

That the bullies in your life  of the pale, male and stale toxic patriarchy  are going to win if you don’t figure a way to overcome this!
















You’re drained now from constantly firefighting a toxic work environment and it’s started to chip away at your self esteem and the anxiety and sleepless nights are only going to get worse.





Dear one, you know deep down that to be truly successful is going to mean pushing way out of your comfort zone and allowing yourself to be seen and heard in a way that you never have before. 

You’ll need to own your visibility, value and your voice to create meaningful change, impact and influence.

Yes Please!

Imagine what it would feel like if you could:


Finally start sharing your true authentic self from the heart and be creatively self expressed.


Stand up to the bullies in the boardroom and get rid of imposter syndrome and perfectionism for good.


Launch that dream you have of a new business, podcast, women’s group, or circle.


Finally start owning your truth, standing up for yourself and speaking from a place of radiant power and impeccable boundaries.


Feel so confident in who you are and your message for the world that you effortlessly articulate it easily garnering rapport and respect and winning over your audience: your potential clients, investors, board, colleagues and all the people that count.

Beatrix went from high anxiety and nightly insomnia to sleeping through the night, a happy, harmonious home life, exciting new job opportunity and creative new career possibility!

“My biggest success was developing the feeling of safety and letting go of my constant anxiety. My sleep and also my confidence improved in a big way. I can be myself, and not care how other people perceive me (what greater joy is there in life than that?) and I developed higher emotional resilience. I can sense that Dominique is all about helping women overcome their insecurities and she deeply cares about the women she works with. I want to thank her for making such a huge difference in my life. I was about ready to give up on myself. I want to thank her for being so loving and presenting me with the best example of a strong, and at the same time really feminine woman I can hold in front of me as a role model. She really is an exceptional woman and healer and I’ve been lucky to have found her. “

Beatrix, Neuroscientist, USA.

Unlock your Radiant Power

And break through your FEAR OF BEING VISIBLE with this wonderful FREE 3 part video training and workbook.

Dear heart,

You know what you need to do, but cannot bring yourself to do it.

You keep getting in your own way.

You wish you could feel free

  1. Free from the past.
  2. Free from guilt.
  3. Free from fear of being judged, humiliated or rejected for revealing the “real you.”

And free to love and believe in yourself so you can finally find inner peace, reconnect to your authentic confidence and realise the divine success that you deserve in a way that feels feminine, graceful and full of ease.

My Radiant Visibility & Authentic Confidence Programme is a 40 day immersion that is a powerful combo of psychotherapeutic and advanced hypnotherapy sessions (inc. Rapid Transformational Therapy & HeartHealing)  Transformational & Executive coaching from the Institute of Women Centered Coaching and Spiritual mentorship - using the power of meditation and energy healing for holistic change and rapid results. 
 It’s a highly effective approach with practical application and tools that gets results that go far beyond what any one hypnosis or meditation practice can access.

My Radiant Power System™ works at a different...

Level not just reprogramming the mind from hidden subconscious beliefs that hold you back but also healing the hidden wounds of your heart that are blocking your true radiance. Once the true root cause of what is blocking you is found and healed (trust me it is never what you think it is!), I will imprint your mind, heart and soul for radiant visibility and authentic confidence to help you take fast action that will bring you more impact, influence and income along with the comfort that you are living your fullest potential with desire, grace and ease.

If you are anything like me or my other clients then you may have tried a lot of different healing tools and therapies in the past.

Whilst you may have noticed a shift it didn’t really create the big change you were looking for.

Other therapies or coaches may have only worked at the level of the mind with you or just treated the symptoms and tried to change the problem behaviour without healing what has actually caused it in the first place.

I’ve learnt that working with only one approach simply doesn’t go deep enough. We are not just minds we are living breathing spiritual beings with emotions, bodies and a complex energy system too.

Sian shifted from feeling scared of speaking up for her truth and stuck in a toxic work environment to successfully negotiating a new work structure, pay rise and future pay review!

"I was able to influence and change my ‘stuck’ circumstances in my career and was awarded a pay rise. I could stay focused on my goals and build confidence from within. It has been such a journey to be able to feel more confident in sharing my opinions and ideas and feeling that they are indeed worth sharing. I am incredibly glad and grateful that I took this step and these unexpected shifts have really opened up in my life."

Sian, Senior Account Director, UK.

Your Investment


Radiant Visibility 



  • 1 x £555 upfront
  • 1 x £555 after one month

My Approach

The Radiant Power® system is a powerful mix of HeartHealing™, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Hridaya (Spiritual Heart) Meditation, embodiment work, energy healing, Goddess archetypal work and and transformational Feminine Power coaching from the Institute of Women Centered Coaching. It brings something truly innovative, potent and life changing to women on the brink of evolution looking to self actualise and realise their full potential at this time.

After working for over a decade in a successful career in brand and marketing I quit to travel the world and follow my heart - to rediscover what truly lit me up. I travelled on an extensive 7 year Heroine’s Journey around the world retraining as a Hridaya (Spiritual Heart) Meditation and Yoga teacher and I helped to facilitate and sit in hundreds of days of silent meditation retreat as well as teaching yoga classes to 60 - 100 students at a time.

Yes Please!

In yoga one of the first things we learn is that we are not just a physical body, we actually have 5 bodies - and in the Radiant Power system we affect healing at the level of all of them.

Mental Healing
Emotional Healing
Energetic Healing
Physical Healing
Spiritual Healing

Underpinning The Radiant Power®, System are four crucial pillars critical to the divine success of women at this time:

The ability to be held in a sacred, safe container of transformation.

Healing and transformation that happens at the level of your emotions and your energy as well as your thoughts, beliefs and behaviour.. . 

A commitment to reclaiming your inner feminine power, your intuition, self compassion and your trust in life to organise around your success.

A rewiring of your relationship to power - as something that can be heart centered, inclusive, loving and generative rather than the abusive and corrupt toxic systems of patriarchal power so many of us have experienced at work or witnessed played out on the world’s larger political stage.

How can I help?

Don’t worry - just because I burned my life to the ground to avoid burning out I don’t expect you to as well! In fact I think I went the long, hard way around the world and on my own journey to learn exactly what not to do(!)  and how to make the process of transformation as easeful, safe, gentle and rapid for others as possible! 

I saw exponential growth in myself and with the female executives and entrepreneurs who came to me after starting to work on my mind, heart and energy through my powerful tools. 

I work with women all over the world using video call. If you are not quite sure which area you need to work on, I will help you work that out during our deep dive consultation to make sure we are getting you maximum results in the shortest amount of time. My 40 day & 6 month 1:1 & 9 month 1:1/group hybrid programmes are available if you are a woman ready to invest in huge transformation.




Reveal and heal the hidden wounds of your heart that are stopping you RECEIVING MORE - more money, more love and  more success?



Walk into any room  feeling like you own it and anyone would be lucky just for the chance to get on your team and get a slice of what you have to offer! 



Become bulletproof to rejection and rocket fueled - so that you shift out of self sabotage and ready for unstoppable success.

Heal the imposter syndrome, perfectionism and fear of public speaking in a way no other approach has been able to - to GET CLARITY & CONFIDENCE ON WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER - to nail your message, inspire your vision and leave a lasting impact. 

Finally launch your business,  your podcast, women’s circle or programme into the stratosphere from a place of unshakeable confidence. 

Discover a new found love and zest for life having let go of the negative thought patterns, anxiety or depression that held you back.

Effortlessly speak up as the thought leader you were born to be and easefully rise to your next level of success in a way that feels balanced and in flow.


One & Only

I am one of the only HeartHealing Practitioners in the world which incorporates deep emotional healing at an energetic level. You won’t find this deep level of transformation anywhere else.

I experienced significant transformation in my life and the area of confidence and visibility after working on myself using The Radiant Power®, system. I am so grateful I have these tools to use with my clients too. Working on unlocking your Radiant Visibility and Authentic Confidence based on my tried and tested formula could be the  missing ingredient from anything you've ever tried before.

Yes Please!

Irene went from deep procrastination to launching her first women’s programme!

“Working with Dominique has been so uplifting and so profound for me. Before starting the programme i felt very unconfident had a lot of fear and doubt in myself and my business and my wisdom. I feel so much more open and clear in the direction of my business, there’s been a positive shift in my energy in my believing of myself, trusting myself. Dominique really created a safe and nurturing space to help guide me in showing up every day as myself. Thank you so much for everything you did for me, I really really appreciate it <3”

Irene, Teacher, USA.

The Radiant Visibility® 40 Day immersion.



1 x 60 minute Sacred Soul Activation: A deep dive coaching session to uncover the hidden wounds blocking your fear of being seen and rising to your next level of success. We get really clear on the outcomes you want from our work


1 x 90 minute Heart Healing session. A powerful HeartHealing™ sessions (or a HeartHealing and a Rapid Transformational Therapy session)  that will genuinely blow your mind and heal a past relationship that has been holding you back in every area of your life, especially your lack of confidence and fear of being your true self.


1 x 90 minute 1 x Rapid Transformational therapy session - a potent power combo of hypnosis, inner child work and NLP to dive to the root cause of your pain, self sabotage and lack of results, heal it and rewire your mind for transformation.


2 x 60 minute Transformational Feminine Power Coaching sessions and 1 x Coaching and Completion Ceremony. I strongly believe in action oriented coaching as much as insight. Together we get clear on the tangible actions you can take with my support and strategies to help unlock all of your own value and powerful resources and take action to create the business and life that you love in a way that feels nourishing and supportive.


PLUS: A personalised transformation recording to permanently imprint success into your mind, heart and soul and unlock Radiant Visibility. Along with a  "Feeling Safe & Secure" hypnosis audio recording to help you get comfortable with the process of hypnosis and relax your nervous system (some of my clients experience great shifts just by listening to this!). 










Client Portal - Lifetime access* to a library bank of guided meditations, hypnotic recordings and energy healings.


2 x 15 minute Divine Heart Meditations to clear your energy, cultivate your auric field and start the day with compassion and clarity.

3 x 15 minutes - Accessing Feminine Power guided visulaisations.

1 x 20 minute. Goddess Isis Soul Empowerment Activation.



Radiant Leaders Sanctuary

Private Facebook Group for past and present clients.

This is an exclusive and sacred container for present and any past clients who are working on being seen and would like a safe place to play, try out, fail, make mistakes and practice all things online facebook live with coaching from me.

Ongoing Support

Unlimited email support for the duration of the course. (Available in Office Hours with a response rate of 48hrs unless headed URGENT) 

Up to 30 mins per month private Voxer (voice messaging) support. 

Lacey went from hiding out to launching her first podcast

“I had the most incredible experience with Dominique...
She helped me see myself from a completely different, liberating perspective. I felt such clarity and understanding of what’s been holding back in being visible and confident in my business. Something shifted immediately. Thank you so much Dominique. You have such a wonderful energy about you!”

Lacey, Entrepreneur, USA.

Your Investment


Radiant Visibility & Authentic Confidence



  • 1 x £555 upfront
  • 1 x £555 after one month

Your Investment

Pay in Full Bonus  

1 x 90 minute Brand and Marketing Strategy Session:

If you’re an entrepreneur looking to rise to your next level in the business then use this amazing value bonus to get clear on your dream client, nail your key messages and your niche and position your brand for divine success and make the most of my decade’s worth of experience in brand and marketing strategy in the corporate world.


1 x Sacred oils Reiki Energy Healing session:

We’ll work with beautiful Sacred oils to heal deep soul wounds and integrate a deeply relaxing healing session. Together we ground your energy, expand your vibration and calibrate your chakra system so that you receive deep healing at a cellular and auric level. 

Pay In Full Bonus 

Choose from...

1 x 90 Minute Brand Marketing Strategy Session


1 x 90 min Sacred Oils Reiki Energy session 


1 x 90 min Homeopathy session with follow up with Sally. 

Gain expert advice from one of my trusted healers and expert homeopath Sally, she will also write you out a recommendation for  purchase and the session includes a 30 minute follow up consultation at a later date.

1 x 90 minute Homeopathy appointment with Sally plus secondary 30 minute follow up. This is a gentle, deep dive of nourishing “you” time. Sally uses divination and dowsing to prescribe the most potent and effective homeopathic remedy to integrate your energy field, insights and growth  and accelerate your transformation. (Sally is a member of alliance registered homeopaths uk ( MARH)


“I loved working with Dominique she is such an amazing human being, So lovely and such a phenomenal healer. What I loved the most is that she goes to the root of the problem and dissolves it. I didn’t have to talk about my issues for years and years - she just realised where the root block was and dissolved it. I really strongly believe that any technique is only as good as the therapist behind it and Dominique is so phenomenal at what she does and literally I see in my own life - she transformed it - and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.”

Beatrix, USA.

Unlock your Radiant Power

And break through your FEAR OF BEING VISIBLE with this wonderful FREE 3 part video training and workbook.