Join me for Radiant Goddess 1 month immersions or your own bespoke deep dive into the teachings of Feminine Power and Meditations on the Spiritual Heart.

Radiant Goddess: 1 month immersion

Join me for a deep dive into the Divine Feminine. We activate your puja (sacred ritual) with a Goddess Ceremony and Activation call followed by a powerful HeartHealing session. You will then follow a beautifully curated 21 day self led ritual working with the Goddesses Durga, White Tara, Gaia or Lakshmi with email support from me and a final completion ceremony. Price: £750

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Feminine Power Coaching: Month by Month.

A transformational model of coaching that assists women on the brink of evolution who have struggled in a “power over” patriarchal system - redefine their relationship with power, resource themselves in a way that amplifies their “feminine” skills and transform at the level of their identity for greater confidence, fulfilment, alignment to their soul purpose and connection to intuitive wisdom. Over the month you get:

3 x 60 minute Transformational Feminine Power coaching sessions

Access to an online library of guided meditations, Goddess initations, hypnosis and energy practices for the duration of the subscription: Price: £750

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The Goddess Initiations: 21 Day Self Led course.

Beautifully curated 21 day self led rituals working with the Goddesses Durga, White Tara, Gaia or Lakshmi. Choose which Goddess you wish to invoke for your sacred ceremony, receive a powerful audio recording, an initiation from the Goddess Isis and downloadable workbook for your journey. Price: £222

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21 Day Sacred Journey with HeartHealing™ or Rapid Transformational™ Therapy

You receive:

1) 1 x 45 min Discovery Call

2) 1 x 90 min HeartHealing

3) 1 x 20 min bespoke hypnosis recording created for you using your language (that you are required to listen to every day for a minimum of 21 days)

4) weekly voice mail check ins over 3 weeks and unlimited email support. 

 Price: £350

 Rapid Transformational Therapy is the award winning branch of hypnotherapy  created by world leading psychologist and celebrity hypnotherapist Marisa Peer. It combines advanced hypnotic regression, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) with deep inner child healing and a power combo of psychotherapeutic tools  for rapid healing and success. 

1) 1 x 45 minute Client Exploration call.

2) 1 x 90 minute Rapid Transformational Therapy session where we select an issue of your choosing, identify the root cause and underlying limiting belief and remove it and rewire the mind for a positive new belief system.  

3) 1 x 20 min Bespoke guided hypnosis recording tailored for you to listen to for a minimum of 21 days after the session. 

4) weekly check ins over a 3 week period. 


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1 x 60 minute Sacred Oils Reiki Energy Healing session

We’ll work with the healing power of a Sacred oil and mandala channelled for you to help gently and delicately  heal your soul wound, bring clarity to your spiritual path and raise your frequency for the journey ahead. The Sacred Oil will perform her powerful healing in conjunction with a deeply restorative and relaxing distance Reiki session.  £199

1 x 60 minute Sacred Marketing Strategy Meeting

Reconnect to your positioning and your message. Gain clarity on your ideal client, nail your niche and realign to your offer to sell in a way that doesn't feel sleazy. I use my decade's long marketing strategy expertise in the corporate world and experience as an entrepreneur as a sounding board and sense check for your next steps for establishing and running a successful business. £199

1 x 60 minute Feminine Power Coaching session from the Institute of Women Centered Coaching.

Do you feel lost, uncertain and overwhelmed, wishing you could fine tune your intuition and gain clarity on your next steps on the path of your soul destiny as an awakening woman?  Shatter your inner glass ceiling, connect to your deeper wider intuition and cosmic intelligence and get crystal like clarity on your deepest desires and next action steps in the direction of your dreams.  £199



“ I had generally been feeling a little lost and confused. I was lacking confidence in myself and my actions. After working with Dominique I really felt a positive shift in my thoughts, behaviours and beliefs, I was much more confident in being me and showing up for myself and the people around me. With clarity I created my New Moon circles and have been doing so since with less fear of being seen. I’m truly grateful for her guidance. She’s very authentic and generous with her time and commitment.”
