Self Guided Journeys

The Goddess Initiations: 21 Day Self Led course.

Beautifully curated 21 day self led rituals working with the Goddesses Durga, White Tara, Gaia or Lakshmi. Choose which Goddess you wish to invoke for your sacred ceremony, receive a powerful audio recording, an initiation from the Goddess Isis and downloadable workbook for your journey. Price: £222

Radiant Visibility with the Goddess Durga Cultivate Core Safety & Authentic Confidence, slay your demons and Speak your Truth with Conviction

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Radiant Heart - with the Goddess White Tara - Flourish in self love, heal your tenderest emotional wounds and offer yourself the soothing balm of compassion.

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Radiant Beauty - with the Goddess Lakshmi - Learn the exquisite art of radical self care and reconnect to your body wisdom, sensuality and beauty.

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Radiant Trust - with Goddess Gaia - Connect to your soul clarity, unearth your divine blueprint and develop a deep, trusting relationship with the cosmic intelligence of life, your inner compass and your soul.

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