Reclaim your Radiance, Your Resilience and your Power. 

I'M READY TO SHINE! (Book a free call here)

Break through your FEAR OF BEING VISIBLE in this wonderful FREE 3 part video training.


And wave bye bye to the bullies, imposter syndrome, burn out, self sabotage and self doubt too! 

RADIANT WOMAN, the world is on a precipice. As a conscious awakening leader it needs you shining your brilliance now! Not keeping yourself small, hiding out or feeling sick and sleepless every night! 
Things have to change! 
I help huge hearted female leaders like you HIT THE RESET button to reclaim your clarity, courage & your authentic confidence to tap into your great calling and the contribution you're really here to make in the world.

Get Ready to Lead At Your Next Level of Influence and Impact

๐ŸŒŸI see you Radiant Woman๐ŸŒŸ

You're a high performing executive or business founder with a huge heart and a deep longing to show up in a big way, make a powerful impact and a meaningful contribution to our world. 

You know you’ve been running on fumes recently.

The stress, anxiety and overwhelm of working ALL THE HOURS has started to take its toll on your health.

Shallow breathing, stress rashes and a stomach in knots sound familiar? 

And that nagging little voice inside keeps whispering  “is this it?” and it’s getting louder everyday.

You know you’re here for more but never have the time to just breathe and feel into what it is you're really meant be doing with your one, wild, precious life....

or even worse still...

You hear your calling loud and clear but you're hiding out playing it safe and small letting your fear of the big boys or other people's disapproval keep you stuck and self sabotaging as your beautiful gifts go unnoticed.

You just haven't plucked up the courage yet to...


How you can work with me

8 Week Intensive (1:1)

BEAT THE BLOCKS HOLDING YOU BACK and shift from stuck and hiding out to reclaiming your voice, your value and your visibility.


Cultivate your authentic confidence and heal your fears of being seen to show up at a whole new level of leadership, impact, vision and authority.


Stand up to the bullies in the boardroom, kick imposter syndrome to the kerb, and operate from a place of grounded clarity and boundaries.


Build rapport and garner respect as a powerful female thought leader and role model that creates connection and doesn’t compromise her compassion, empathy or integrity.

Yes Please!

The RADIANT LEADER® 6 or 12 month Heroine's Journey (1:1)

RISE UP IN YOUR FULL FEMININE POWER, uncover your soul purpose and leave your legacy in a way that feels nourished, rested and connected.


Ignite a flow of ease, joy, and abundance in life...without having to work your behind off for it by reconnecting to your divine feminine nature and the power and beauty of Mother Earth.


Rediscover your deepest desires and soul yearnings to activate and set yourself on a path to manifest your fullest potential and destiny.


Reconnect to your softer feminine self, inherent body wisdom, soul truth and intuition - use this as the incredible power that shifts every aspect of your life.

Show me How

6 week self- led courses with group coaching support. 

Commit to your personal development, deep healing,  transformation and awaken consciousness in a sacred sanctuary of support with other women. 


Install radical self worth to fearlessly shine your light, advocate for your needs and desires, become radiantly visible and launch your project into the world in a way that creates the maximum impact. 


Anchor in radical self love to reduce stress, take empowering action, and make fast decisions to uplevel your success in all areas from a place of calm serenity, nourishing self care & inner peace.


Harness the powerful archetypal energies of the Goddesses and awaken to Her mythology.


Awaken deeper levels of  self trust and acceptance as you learn how to quantum leap your success, income and impact by harnessing the power of your intuition and connection to the Divine. 

Oh My Goddess Yes!

Hi I'm Dominique

Transformational Empowerment Coach, Inner Peace mentor, High Priestess of the Divine Feminine and founder of Radiant Woman.

I worked for over a decade in some of the most masculine industries in the corporate world: property, railways and finally football.

Then I remembered something...

I hate football!


Case Studies


Beatrix went from high anxiety and nightly insomnia to a happy, harmonious home life, new job opp and career path.

"Beatrix transitioned from stuck in survival mode to healing her childhood pain. She let go of toxic relationships and started sleeping better and throughout the night. She found a new sense of calm, love and trust in her life. She was able to investigate a new career after almost a decade of not working due to post -natal depression and even started developing the idea for an exciting new entrepreneurial path. Her home relationships with her husband and son underwent a 180° degree change because as she shifted so did her world! "

Beatrix, Neuroscientist, USA

Irene went from deep procrastination to launching her first women’s programme!

"Irene went from battling deep procrastination, resistance, low self worth and a punishing inner voice to being able to explore her creativity and start writing every single day, eventually sharing herself on social media daily from a place of soul aligned heart centered grace. By the end of the immersion she had outlined, structured and was ready to launch her very first women’s programme! "

Irene, Teacher, USA.
Video Poster Image

More Client Love…

Dominique got to the heart of the issue. She heard, helped, held and offered the most amazingly: work-and-life-changingly valuable advice that went to the core of my being.  We, women working for themselves, all need support, mentorship and guidance of this kind. Go see Dominique She helped me SO much

Founder - Shivani Touch.

Dominique was amazing! I immediately felt relaxed and trusting. I've been seeing energy healers and hypnotists for 10 years now but Dominique was able to take me to a whole new deeper level of healing. The difference was her incredible voice, her energy transmission and special method. I highly recommend her!

Tracy Calvert
- Soul Centered Success Coach, USA.

Dominique's amazing to work with; compassionate, emphatic, soft and so gentle.  She truly understands your struggles and pain and helps you navigate into the root cause so that you can conquer your weaknesses.  You really get into the nitty gritty of what's holding you back in your life. I highly recommend her!

Eva Wexler
- Founder, Clean Karma.USA.

I had the most incredible experience with Dominique... She helped me see myself from a completely different, liberating perspective. I felt such clarity and understanding of what’s been holding back in being visible and confident in my business. Something shifted immediately. Thank you so much Dominique. You have such a wonderful energy about you!

Lacey Grevious
- Therapist, USA

Working with Dominique really presented a breakthrough for me. I learned to practice stillness, acceptance and release of thoughts and emotions which no longer serve me. Her voice is like soothing music for the soul.

Tari Johnson
- Holistic Coach, USA.

What is The Radiant Power™๏ธ System? 

My unique Radiant Power™๏ธ system combines award winning and cutting edge mindset tools and transformational coaching to remove limiting subconscious beliefs, fears and shift behaviours alongside ancient wisdom practices to calm the nervous system and cultivate joy and inspire growth inspired change at a rapid rate. 



Every time you invest in yourself, by purchasing from Radiant Woman.™ 


Commitment to Excellence

I have trained as a Rapid Transformational Therapist and am a Certified Hypnotherapist, Feminine Power Leader and Coach and a Hridaya Meditation and Hatha yoga teacher.  Committed to cultivating excellence in my field and remaining at the cutting edge of innovative solutions to mental and emotional wellbeing, I am also a Member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

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***What if 2022 doesn't have to be the absolute suck show of the la...


A pause, a contemplation and a little drop of hope. 




From Byron Katie to Richard Rudd, I talk to the leading spiritual teachers and authors alive today and ask: How can spirituality help us navigate the uncertainties of our current time and how can we take heart in a world that feels like its falling apart?



Download free meditations and guided hypnosis to ease the stress, strain and anxiety of every day life.

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